The Legacy Connection Can Help You Make And Save More Money
Owning and operating a business can be extremely challenging. Typically, there are three main pillars for being successful. The first is reducing operating expenses. The second is offering and maintaining the quality of your product and customer service. And, the third is acquiring quality and loyal customers and/or clients. The Legacy Connection (TLC) can help with all three because quite often a businesses’ success or failure can hinge on who answers the phone, how they answer it and can they deliver an accurate and timely message.
Some businesses choose not to have someone dedicated to taking calls. The phone rings and someone picks it up. Typically, this is not a good office policy. The person answering the phone may not have the people or social skills and doesn’t project the correct image of the company. Plus, every member of your team has a specific job he or she needs to be accomplishing. You and your staff need to focus on what everyone does best. Research has proven that telephone calls are the largest distractions in the workplace. Your workflow is interrupted and this can slow or break the momentum. It can be a serious drain on productivity. As a business owner, you need everyone performing at their very best, whenever possible.
Many times, a business hires someone to answer the phone and take messages. Their first impulse is to hire a full-time receptionist. This may sound like a simple solution, but it can be complicated and somewhat expensive. He or she needs office space, usually a computer and perhaps a costly multi-line phone system. And, of course, there is his or her salary and benefits. Even under the best of circumstances, this person may not always catch every call. He or she may be busy attending to a customer or client or doing something else and important sales calls are consequently missed.
In addition to the added operational costs of having a full-time receptionist, there is the element of having one more employee to manage. The more people you have in your organization, the more employees you’ll need to manage and deal with, and who needs that? By choosing TLC as your partner, you can limit how many staff members you actually need in your organization. For a start-up, this can make a huge difference. You only need to hire a few people to provide core functions for the creation and development of your product or service.
The Legacy Connection is your solution to each and every one of these telephone answering issues. With established procedures, we help you end the stresses, responsibility and costs of hiring a dedicated receptionist or having you or other employees answer the phone. Your current and potential customers and clients will receive a consistent, professional and friendly response from a live customer service representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. And, our services are both flexible and affordable.
The Legacy Connection helps you save and make money in a variety of ways. Give us a call at 800-250-5160 or contact us at